EYFS Curriculum

At Pier Lodge we strive to provide all children with a curriculum suitable to their age and individual developmental needs, in order to move them along to their next stage of learning and encompasses the Early Years Foundation stage .

The theme of ‘Learning and development’ is the basis for our curriculum and consists of seven areas of learning and development : Stay Safe, Be Healthy, Enjoy and Achieve and Make Positive Contributions.

Prime Areas Specific Areas:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy
Physical Development Mathematics
Communication and Language Understanding The World
  Expressive Arts and Design

All areas are equally important and have a number of Early Learning Goals which each child aims to achieve by the time they leave us for fulltime education.

A daily routine works for all age groups and is published in each room.  Each child is allocated a key person before they join the nursery, who ensures that settling sessions enable information to be shared, individual care needs are met together with providing a suitable curriculum for their age and development.

A “tracker” book is given to each child which follows their progress whilst at nursery, monitored and updated by the child’s key person.  All records are shared with parents/carers, especially during planned parent evenings.  Parents are encouraged to share information relating to their child’s targets; working closely with parents encourages a positive and consistent relationship with nursery staff. Parents are welcome into the nursery at any time, although for a longer conversation it is best to arrange a specific time.

Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the nursery any known medical condition, health/allergy problem affecting the child, or any family circumstances or Court Orders which may affect the child’s welfare or happiness, or any concerns about the child’s safety.  We will work with parents/carers to provide suitable food for children who have special dietary requirements as diagnosed by  a doctor or dietician.

We will do all that is reasonable to safeguard and promote your child’s welfare and to provide pastoral care to at least the standard required by law and often to a much higher standard.   We will respect your child’s human rights and freedoms which must, however, be balances with the lawful needs and rules of our nursery and rights and freedoms of others.

Senior nursery staff are always available to talk to parents for any further explanations.